Mastermind Chess Summer Camp in Brooklyn

Welcome to Brooklyn, where, between July 29th and August 9th , Mastermind Chess will, in collaboration with Vermont Math Circle, host a summer camp!

This camp will combine chess and math skills in an immersive Dungeons and Dragons Narrative! Participants can register for either one or both weeks.

More information is available on the Mastermind Chess Website.

You and your party are trapped in a cave, and a huge boulder blocks the only exit. You see an inscription on it written in runes.

"Ah," says the wizard trapped in the cave with you. "I have seen this type of enchantment before! The only way to get this boulder to move is to translate the runes into numbers that will make this an accurate addition problem."

Each rune in the inscription corresponds to a different digit from 0 to 9. None of the leading digits are 0. Send us an email at with the correct solution and not only will you finally be free from the cave, but you'll also unlock a 5% discount for camp registration!

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