Results: Prize List
Master Prize List Week 4
Tournament Winners:   Best In Chess Groups:  
Section 1: Michael 2nd   Coach: Slava Winner: Yoni
Section 2: Trary and Michael C   Coach: Chris Winner: Gregory
Section 3: Yair and Netanel   Coach: Yaakov Winner: Lucas
Section 4: Lucas and Daniel   Coach: Seth Winner: Jason
Section 5: Tehilah, Greyson and Olivia   Coach: Ivette  Winner: Basil and Trary
    Coach: Jacob Winner: Leina
    Coach: Adam Winner: Daniel
Simul Survival:    Blitz-Bughouse:   
Max   Yair and Itamar  
Best in Sports Groups:      
Age Group: 2011-2012 Winner: Gregory Dodgeball Winner: Basketball:
Age Group: 2013-2014 Winner: Noah Michael L Jace
Age Group: 2014-2015 Winner: Max and Isabelle    
Age Group: 2015-2016 Winner: Michael L    
Age Group: 2017-2018 Winner: Jason    
Art:    Mindgames:  President:
Olivia     Dexter