2015 ICA Summer Camp Fair Lawn Week 1

Fair Lawn Week 1

During the first week of summer camp this year we added a new level in our camp hierarchy (between Master [required: uscf 1300 or higher] and Day Camp) – “Mini Master Camp,” or in other words, “Pre-Master Camp.” This allowed us more flexibility in organizing some activities such as competitions in sports by age groups.

As for chess tournaments, they were held in three sections – one each for Master, Mini Master and Day Camp.

Josh Lerman confidently won Section 1 with 5.5 points out of 6, losing only a half a point to Matthew Lerman in the final game. Matthew was able to provide decent resistance and held the balance in the fight with his older brother.

In Section 2 Grant was the undisputed winner with a perfect result.

In Section 3 nobody was equal to Conan.


Best Students:

Coach TanyaAdam

Coach GenryBen

Coach DavidConan

Problem Solving Competition.  

Suran was the absolute best in the Problem Solving Competition for rated students. Unfortunately, students of the other two sections - U500 and Unrated – did not even try their hand in the battle for prizes in this category.

Since many did not try for the  Home Work prize , they therefore voluntarily depriving themselves of this nomination. Not that many participated from the Rated Section, but there was at least some attempts. Jessica, who solved all of the problems correctly, became the Home Work Winner.

In the  “survival in a Simul, Dennis managed to hold on for 65 moves against David, and therefore became the winner.

Aaron won The Prize for Best Chess Notation and set a good example for his more experienced colleagues!

In the most cheerful competition of the chess program –The Team Championship, the team that excelled was: “That\'s Stupid” (Suran, Jessica, Gavin, Ilya)


Matthew Fellini became the winner of the honorary prize as best Team Player, which is not awarded every week. Matthew proved himself not only as a student but also as a volunteer assistant coach, for which we are very grateful.

In the Soccer Competition:  Dennis won among boys. As for girls, they were not too zealous in the contest for this nomination. ‘Experienced’ Suran wisely sacrificed playing Dodgeball on Monday, to take the lead in the fight for the Soccer Prize. This combination worked, and without encountering any competition from Jessica, Suran scored a victory with minimal results. However, next time due to lack of effort this prize will not be awarded.

In our most popular sports event – DodgeBall Jessica won among girls, and Grant among boys.

Best in sports:

Sergey’s Group – Matthew F

Tanya’s Group – Justin  

Genry’s Group – Conan  


The Team nicknamed ‘I really have no idea..’ (managed by coach Genry: Denis, Conan, Ilya, Jessica) won the traditional Friday Relay Race

Aatish won the Prize for Best Effort – for his effort and seriousness in every activity during the week (be it at chess, outside sports, or any other aspect of camp life).

Jessica (as always) won The Healthy Lunch award.

Gavin claimed the prize of Swag Walker.

The remaining two nominations are for those who signed up for the full day option, since those students are participating in the Art and Music Programs. Eight students stayed for the full day this week. After five days of classes, Suran was the best in the Art Contest and Gavin won the Music Award.http://www.icanj.net/gview/pview.php?gid=1052&pid=42149

With that the first week is finished! There are still two months of summer left. We promise to help our students gain the necessary skills and experience through a combination of hard work and fun.

 Welcome to Fair Lawn Chess Camp!


Visitors: 126