2015 ICA Summer Camp Teaneck Week 1

ICA Summer Camp Teaneck Week 1:


Week one turned out great as most all the kids behaved and did everything the coaches asked of them.


The tournament was played in three sections with Yishai and Jakob drawing their game (with advantage to both at various points during the game) and winning against everyone else to tie for first place in the highest section.  The section two winner was Ian who won against everyone, while Henry won the third section with all wins and one draw.

Study Groups and other chess prizes:

Jakob was the best winner in Slava’s group though Juno, and Yishai both gave him a run for his money (Yishai missed one day which made Jakob’s job easier). Asha was the best in Ivette’s group while Winston won in Asher’s (who likes to give hugs and voluntarily brought his own guitar on Friday and performed and thereby got a prize for it.) and Ian got the prize in Libaski’s group.

Jakob also got the prize for problem solving while Asha also got the best notation prize (since both won for best student they only got one reward overall to not do overkill on the prizes).

Juno was the best simul player and lasted 29, 29, and 22 moves against the coaches the three times we did simul.

The winners for the Blitz Bughouse Team Championship were “checkmate.com” led by Jakob  Landa, with his brother Ezra, Jake, and William.


The winners in the sports groups were William for the older group, then Charles, Yishai and finally Anthony for the youngest group.

The winning relay race team was the “Horrible Harry” led by Henry and including Charles, Luke and Ezra.

William was also the winner in Soccer, while Anthony “Mr.” Plavnik was the winner for dodgeball.


We had two extra contests this week one of which was the “bad joke” contest where the point was to tell the lamest joke.  Shai won for “What do you call a beginner in chess? A rookie.”

The other contest involved the kids picking one Spanish word each and our Cuban coaches  Ivette, and Libaski translating it and then giving anyone willing the list to try and memorize at home.  William did the best the next day when we tested all willing participants.

Seventeen kids attended during the first week of camp.

Visitors: 143