Dear Parents Interested In Math

Dear parents interested in math,


We hope you are enjoying your summer. We would like to let you know that the enrollment in our second year of “Olympiad” and “Singapore” system math is now open.  However, since we are a chess academy first and foremost, it makes us very competitive, which is why we would like to tell you how we are better than the multiple agencies that offer math tutoring services in this area.

Firstly, our goals are different from the goals of other tutoring services! To learn about them please read the articles on our website under the math Olympiad feature (several are on different topics). Secondly, our classes are small (the maximum number of students enrolled  in one group may not exceed 6). In addition, no other school offers a make-up class for free.  Moreover, if you sign your child up for two classes, math and chess, you get a discount for the second class. Most of our parents already know how chess helps children develop not only good math skills but children who play chess also become better writers because besides logical thinking chess also teaches how to organize your thoughts before putting them on paper. 

Please register in advance as the classes are small and we would like to accommodate you with a convenient location (Teaneck or Fair Lawn) and time. We also need to group children by their grade level and their ability to think mathematically (articles explain what we mean here). We are looking forward to meeting with you and your child to further discuss the options offered. Please reply to Zoya directly especially if you are new because we would need to assess your child\'s mathematical thinking skills on an individual basis (

ICA staff


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