ICA 20th Anniversary Fair Lawn Scholastic & GM Summer Camp Week 1 Repor

ICA 20th Anniversary Fair Lawn Scholastic 
& Grandmaster
Summer Camp Week 1 Report

Our Fair Lawn location was home to both our Scholastic & Grandmaster camps for week one of chess camp.

The Grandmaster camp was headlined by our very own GM Stripunsky and included 8 kids with an average rating of 1700+. The schedule was quite rigorous with five hours of chess study and fourteen rounds of blitz (Justin Lee was the winner of the blitz tournament).  The grandmaster camp also took time out of their busy schedule to do an hour of tennis at the Racquet club nearby.

The Scholastic camp was comprised of eleven kids broken down into two tournament sections.  The winner of the higher section (with four players rated over 1000) was Grant Goldman, while the winner of the lower section (comprised of seven players rated under 1000) was won by Quinlan Hood.

The win entitles each of them to one point in our Summer long “Grand Prix” for best tournament player. 

The best students in each group were Justin Lee in Alex’s group, Lily Del Pilar in Solomon’s group, Alexandra Volkova in Ethan’s group, and Teddy Staphos in David’s group.  Each also gets one point for our Summer long “Grand Prix” for best student.

In problem solving Lily was the best for the older group, while Aatish was the best for the younger group, while Jessica was the best simul player in the higher section and Quinlan in the lower section.

The bughouse/blitz winners were Josh, Nikita, Lily, and Stepan.

In sports the winners of each group were (from oldest to youngest group) Alexandra, Aatish, and Grant.

Aatish also won the prize for dodgeball.

On Friday the traditional relay race event was won by the Knight riders who were coached by David and included George, Aleksandra, Jessica, and Lily.

Quinlan was the winner of the art contest, while Aatish, and Jessica were the winners for healthy lunch.

Finally, our old timer, Mathew Lerman celebrated his 10th birthday for which Diana gifted him a small backpack.

If you are coming or plan to, see you next week!

Visitors: 6