ICA 20th Anniversary Fair Lawn Scholastic Week 5

This week, week five, marks the midpoint of our summer camp program. This time, we had a tournament with 4 sections. In the Master Camp Section,
Lily, the lowest rated competitor, unexpectedly won in a landslide victory, surrendering only half of a point in all of her games. Her rating consequently jumped 350 points. Grant took second place. In Section 2, Qihan excelled, winning all of his games, and Jane came in second. Ron, the section three winner, also had a perfect result, with David right behind him. In Section 4, no one could equal the play of Joaquin.

The winners in the Chess Groups were:

Master Camp - Suran

Tanya\'s Group - Qihan

Ethan\'s Group - Ron

David\'s Group - Surbhi

Justin \'s Group - Anthony

In the Survival in a Simul Competition, Qihan managed a draw to win in the Open Section and Roman  offered the most stubborn resistance in the Unrated Section.

In the Problem Solving Competition Alexander W. excelled (Open Section) as did Surbhi (Unrated Section).

The Home Work Winner was Jane, while Jonathan got Best Notation. The Master Camp Blitz Tournament was won by Grant.

The team called Team Awesome, comprised of Alexander W., Anton, Alexander V., and Stefan won the Team Blitz & Bughouse Tournament. The team’s youngest member, Stefan, celebrated his birthday this week (he turned 7 years old) and notably treated his comrades in the camp as well as the coaches to donuts, and also received a Birthday Boy Prize.

Jessica was the absolute winner of the competition in Dodgeball, and Grant at the last possible moment snatched victory in the Boys category, barely beating out Anton.

The title of strongest Soccer Player went to Jonathan.

Best athletes in the Sports Groups were:

Master Camp - Sophie

Age 2009-2010 - Dylan

Age 2008 - Alexander V.

Age 2006-2007 - Ron

Age 2004 - 2005 - Roman

The Wolf Riders won Relay Races with Alex G., Jane, Anton, and captain David.

Ron won the Music award while Joaquin won the Art Contest. Jonathan won Healthy Lunch despite a solid try by Jessica.

In a relatively new category, Alex G. (Gr 5) and Joaquin (Gr 3) were Zoya’s best Math students.

The end of the fifth week of Summer Camp leaves us only a few weeks from our move to a new location in Glen Rock at the start of the next school year. On that note, this week our Grandmaster Camp gave this location a test drive. Judging by how successful it was, we are extremely excited for the fall.

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