ICA 20th Anniversary Teaneck Scholastic Summer Camp Week 6

ICA 20th Anniversary Teaneck Scholastic Summer Camp Week 6; & The Next President Of The United States Is….?!

Forget the Democrats, Republicans, Trump, and Clinton we had our own presidential campaigns and elections this week at our Teaneck location as candidates from various, previously unheard of fringe political parties vied to become the next leader of our nation. More on that later!

In our tournament sections young Jacob Volynsky surprised everyone in his rated tournament debut and tied for first place with David Liu in the higher section.  Jacob defeated both Alec Wei, and David Liu in eerily similar ways in that both were winning against Jacob but when he threatened checkmate both defended in such a way that the defender blocked off their king’s escape square somewhere else and allowed a totally different checkmate (coincidentally if both ignored the threat and continued attacking with check they would eventually turn the tide in their favor).  Jacob would have won first outright had he not lost to a scholar’s mate that came out of nowhere in his last round game against Gabriel Kaim.

The winner of the second section was Moshe Trapedo.

The best students in each group were Dhriti in Ivette’s group, Alec in Slava’s group (Alec again dominated by memorizing the game Schuster vs Carls), Moshe in Orren’s group, and German in Nicholas’s group.

The best in the problem solving was German Maer, while the simul winner was surprisingly Kevin Wei.  Kevin played out a couple of sixty move games against the coaches which in sum total outperformed David Liu’s victory over coach Orren in the simul on Tuesday (David found a terrific knight sacrifice on e6 that totally blindsided Orren’s slow and undeveloped position).

The sport groups saw duel winners in the youngest group (Kevin Wei and Jacob Volynsky) a single winner in the middle group (Gabriel Kaim) and duel winners in the oldest group (David Liu and Sashwat Somas).

Due to a rainout we had no relay races on Friday during this week.










Alec ran on behalf of the “The Party” party and barely just beat out Matt Centrella’s “Anti-Klevak” coalition that ran on a very obvious platform but also happened to promise 1000 dollars to every voter if elected.  David Liu from the “Nick” party set his sites on just locking down the “Nick” vote and thereby ignored the other voters. Alec on the other hand promised that if elected “every day would be a party” and finished his campaign promise with the slogan “Party Party Party.”

Congratulations to our 45th president Alec Wei!

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