Early Bird Deadlines For Spring And Summer Camps At ICA Approaching!

Early Bird Deadlines for Spring and Summer Camps at ICA Approaching! March 26th, and March 31st Are The Last Chances To Secure Best Prices!


Dear Everyone,

This is the last reminder about securing the best possible discounted prices for both our Spring, and Summer Camps.   

The Spring Camp “early bird” deadline is March 27th with the prices increasing after that point,

While the

Summer Camp “early bird” deadline is March 31st with prices going up starting April 1st.


Spring Camp

The Spring Camp will run from April 10th-April 14th at the Glen Rock location only. As with our “Winter camp” you are free to sign up for anywhere between one, two, three, four, or all five days, though the best average price will best if you choose more days up front.

As is usually the case we will try to keep a “Grand Prix” competition going throughout the week to award prizes on individuals days but also give an extra incentive for those kids who are signed for multiple days to receive a bigger prize in the end (The “Grand Prix” refers to either being the best student the most days during the week, or winning 1st, or 2nd place in your tournament groups each day). The tournaments in the Spring Camp will not be rated and we will have one per day.

Aside from this we are also looking to add “Mathematics” with Zoya, and “Art” with Larisa to our half-day program and reward those kids who may not be as strong at chess but still enjoy our program nevertheless.  Math, and Art, as well as Music will also be available from 3-5 as in the full day option.

We will also play our traditional bughouse/blitz bonanza tournament on the Friday of that week, and will be going outside for sports like soccer, dodgeball, playground, and random running around in our local park.

We ask parents to provide their own lunch for the kids, and let us know about any allergies.

Summer Camp

Our Summer Camp will run for ten weeks from the end of June to the end of August at both of our Glen Rock, and Teaneck locations.  Parents who sign up for multiple weeks, or sign up multiple siblings (or friends and neighbors!) always receive the best average price overall.

Depending on skill level you can sign your child up for our scholastic (open to all), Master (minimum USCF 1300), or Grandmaster (minimum USCF 1600) camps.  The Grandmaster camp is also not restricted by age so we have had adults sign up for a week of this one if they have some free time during a given week.

We will try to have a “Grand Prix” competition for the duration of the summer in our Scholastic camp.  Most tournament wins throughout the whole summer and most best student awards will also qualify for a special end of season prize.

Our Summer camp will also experiment with offering mathematics, art, and other programs during the “half day” option for those kids enthusiastic about the camp but not strong enough to compete for the chess prizes (we will give out awards for other disciplines like Art, Music, and Math).  As usual our Full day program will include some combination of Art, Music, and Mathematics during a given week.

We will also play our traditional bughouse/blitz bonanza tournament on the Friday of each week, and will be going outside for sports like soccer, dodgeball, playground, and random running around in our local park with prizes award at the end of each week for best in each discipline. On Fridays we may also do a relay race competition.

We ask parents to provide their own lunch for the kids, and let us know about any allergies.

Thank you to everyone and hope to see you all at our camp!


Visitors: 98