July 23rd, 2017 PARENTS DAY Blitz

July 23rd, 2017 PARENTS DAY Blitz

1st Moms, 2nd Dads, & Now 
“” PARENTS DAY Blitz”” on July 23rd! 
I kid you NOT!


First it was the “
mother of all blitz tournaments” 

Second it was the “Whose your FatherDad Day Blitz

And Now, I kid you not with this overkill, it is time for the “Parents Day” blitz tournament.
Parent’s Day  is celebrated in South Korea, the Philippines, and also in the United States where it is marked on the fourth Sunday in July (i.e. July 23rd this time around). The holiday was signed into law by scandalous president, and saxophone player, William Jefferson Clinton. The former president had a chance to recently become the first gentleman of the United States when his wife, Hillary attempted to conquer the white house last year.

In any case, any “family” team, ANY team, with a parent, be it mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, etc. gets a special prize!!! IF BOTH PARENTS PLAY IT IS A BONUS ULTIMATE PRIZE!!!!!!!!!! Finally, If enough families sign up and play, we will consider doing a “bughouse family” event IF and only IF enough players drag their poor, sleep deprived parents to this tournament. 
DO NOT RUIN THIS for your children mom’s and dad’s!!! Come, play, and face your fears like Luke did in Empire… 

July 23rd at our Glen Rock location at 3 PM (registration closes 30 min prior on that day). There will be special prizes to all Families that have at least one parent (!!!!) participant! ULTIMATE PRIZE for Both parent participants!

Open Section

1st Prize $200
2nd Prize $100
3rd Prize $50

Plus: TU2000 & TU1800 $50 each

U1600 Section

1st Prize $200
2nd Prize $100
3rd Prize $50

Plus: TU1400, TU1200, TU1000, TU800 $TU600 $50 each

Unrated Section

1st Prize ???? (surprise!)
2nd Prize ???(surprise!)
3rd Prize ?? (surprise!)

Entry fee: $25 ($30 on the day of tournament) – OPEN & U1600 Sections; $15 ($20 on site) – Unrated Section

On-line Registration: https://ica.jumbula.com/ICATournaments2017/SundayBlitzTournament_147

Visitors: 118