Summer Camp 2017: Week 4 Glen Rock




Scholastic Chess Camp Week #4 Glen Rock Report:
The Return Of The “Trololo” Man!

Eduard Khil a Soviet era singer, inexplicably became a cultural phenomenon and an internet meme in 2010,  thanks to his rendition of the “none-lexical” song “I am very glad as I’m finally returning home.” The song can be found here:

The relevance to our chess camp was that instead of doing our traditional Star Wars, Batman, or Street Fighter specials in dodgeball we used Khil’s song as the background music and made the special move of the kids doing a penguin dance and singing in a deep voice “trololo I will get you out in dodgeball.” Moshe Trapedo employed the special move better than anyone else and by the time Friday and its rains rolled around he was so far ahead of everybody on points scored he clearly won dodgeball.

Our tournament winners this week were Aaron Shefter in section one (outplayed Anton “big bad” Badushov in the second day game) Valerie Belkovsky (on tie breaks) in section two, and Armaan Ivaturi in section three. The winner of GM Camp Section was Aryeh Leib.  Alex Wang won Master Camp Section.

Our best students were

Alex’s Group (GM Camp) - Ryan

Sergey\`s Group (Master Camp) – Alexander W

Tanya\`s Group - Anton

Slava’s Group - Valerie  (scored an advantage as she was the only one to memorize the whole blitz game Yudin vs Carlsen)

Ivette’s Group - Emilien.

Alessandro\`s Group - Laurence.

The problem solving winners were Kirill (open); Stefan (unrated)

The simul winners were Alex Vern, and Anton Badushov. Valerie also won for homework.

For the second week in a row, heavy rain forced us to avoid traditional Friday relay races and so we settled for rainy day blitz instead. Anton won section one, with Valerie and Daniel tying in section two, and Laurence winning section three.

The blitz/bughouse tournament (Day Camp section) was won by the “Quik Veley” team which was comprised of Alex Vern, Daniel Paley, Valerie, and Saurav. While team Matthew & Alex Wang won this tournament in GM/Master section.

Best in Sports Groups were:

Age Group 2006 and older - Lily

Age Group 2007 - Armaan

Age Group 2007 - 2008 - Moshe

Age Group 2008 – Alex V.

Age Group 2009-2010 – Alex W.

The boys dodgeball winner was, as mentioned, Moshe “Mr. Trololo” Trapedo, and for the girls it was Jane. Cherie was the winner for Volleyball.

The math contest winner was Moshe, while the music contest winner was Anton, with Royina claiming the healthy lunch prize this time around.




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