Summer Camp 2017: Week 6 Teaneck


Teaneck Scholastic Chess Camp Week 6 Report:


Daniel Brauner proved he could handle himself in the highest section this week as he came up to the rated group after registering with the USCF and defeated almost everyone for first place.  German Maer, who never EVER, stops laughing used his years of experience to handily attain victory in section two. Yeshaya Agin from Solomon Schecter Day school showed what all those lessons we do in Kindergarten at that school are all about as he took home first place in section three.

The best students in each group were Daniel Brauner in Ivette’s group, Kevin Wei in Slava’s group, Emery Brower in Orren’s group, and Anahit Melkumov in Won’s group.

The best problem solvers were Gabriel Kaim in the higher rated section, and Netanya Agin (also from Solomon Schecter) in the unrated section. Daniel Paley (who goes to the same barber as Slava the coach) was the winner in the simul survival competition, while Nanaama Bonsu in the lower group, and Moshe Trapedo in the higher group, were the winners of rainy day blitz.

Boaz Passner claimed the prize for notation, while Netanya Agin was the winner of our first ever chess themed spelling bee.

The blitz/bughouse “We’ll beat you” team comprised of Daniel Paley, Netanya, and Sam Passner were the top finishers in the usual Friday team tournament.

Outside the sports winners were (from youngest to oldest group) Yeshaya Agin, Moshe Trapedo, Joshua Khodosh, and German Maer.

Moshe Trapedo was also the winner of the dodgeball event, partly due to his amazing dancing skills (that he learned in Toronto apparently) and partly because of some great reflexive dodgeball maneuvers.

Moshe also led the “Moshe Coconuts Squad” to victory in the relay races event alongside teammates Aiden, and Gabriel.

To round things out our winner for music was Daniel Paley as according to music teacher Mike.


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