Summer Camp 2017: Week 8 Teaneck

ICA Scholastic Summer Camp Teaneck Week 8 Report; Two Cookies For My Brother


The best moment this week unquestionably involved a Landa brother though surprisingly it wasn’t the time where Jakob Landa stood longingly looking out the door and Slava suggested all he was missing was rain and some sad music.  No it was clearly the time when the same Jakob Landa claimed he forgot his lunch and Ezra Landa selflessly offered not one but BOTH of his oreo cookies to his starving brother.

The tournament winners in the three groups were Kenz Raza in section three (Kenz just beat out his brother by half a point), Charles Jinn in section two (Charles played the second place finisher Boaz Passner twice in order to determine a winner), and Kevin Wei in section one (Kevin scored 4.5 out of 5 points).

The best students in each group were Ezra “cookie giver” Landa in Ivette’s group, Moshe Trapedo in Slava’s group, Amelie Yerenburg in Orren’s group, and Anahit Melkumov in Ryan’s group. Kevin Wei, and Kenz Raza won the problem solving awards in the rated, and unrated groups respectively, while Moshe Trapedo, and also Kenz Raza won the survival in a simul prizes for the rated and unrated groups.

On Monday, due to a rain out we held rainy day blitz and the winners were Jesse Perchuk in the younger group, and Moshe Trapedo in the older group.

Outside in the sports groups Damien Geberovich, Moshe Trapedo, Charles Jinn, and Zain Raza were the winners in their individual age category (listed youngest to oldest). 

Moshe Trapedo also won the prize for dodgeball, while the “Turtles Turd Squad” comprised of Kevin, Jakob, Ezra and Damien won the relay race.

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