2018 Chess Camp Teaneck Week 4

2018 Chess Camp Teaneck Week 4

ICA Scholastic Chess Camp Teaneck Week 4 Report: “Summer Halloween On Friday the 13th!


This will be the scariest movie you will ever see (which coincidentally is what should make it pretty funny. Credits in the video description).


This was our biggest week ever in the past few years with almost thirty campers!  We had five tournament sections with Cuban native Miguel Canet winning in the highest section one, Jakob “star of the movie” Landa winning section two, Mackay school’s own Lucas Chen winning section three, Tenafly’s Lawrence Mok winning in section four, and Thomas “my brother Nikita is a grandmaster” Weichsel winning in section five.

Our best students were Sophia in Slava’s group, Kai in Ivette’s group, Gabriel Kim in Justin’s group, Thomas in Alessandro’s group, Kevin in Sean’s group, and Miguel in Gregory’s group.

Bentley was the winner in problem solving (though Kento N won the rated section he was ok with not getting a prize as he got two for something else) while Gabriel Kaim (notice Kaim and Kim are two different Gabriel’s) and Christopher were the best in notation. Kevin and Kai were winners in the rated, and unrated sections of the simul event while Miguel’s team “el gato en la alfombra” won for blitz bughouse (We like to keep things Spanish here! The actual name was “Cat on the rug”). Miguel’s teammates were Kai, Anahit, and Bentley.

Outside in the sports events Raymond, Gabriel Kim, Sophia, Kevin, Charles and Kento N won their individual sports groups, and for the fourth week in a row Charles also won the dodgeball event.  This week we had a few people show interest in basketball (another old favorite that was not played in a while) and after all was said and done coach Vijay selected Kento N as the best basketball player of the week.

In the relay races the team named “Nike cause Kento’s shirt says so” which won last week in blitz/bughouse won once again (like “Pretty Pink Unicorns it seems to be the new legacy team name) though this time in a different event and this time without Kento.  The team was made up of Gabriel Kaim, Kevin, Andrew, Bentley, Lawrence, and Anahit.

Aparna, our newest art teacher chose Raymond as her pick for best in Art. 


Visitors: 88