Congratulations to Hana Itkis

GM Vadim Milov

GM Joel Benjamin


Milov and Benjamin win the 2005 US Open.

On the 14th of August, the final Sunday round of the the 2005 US Open was underway.  Coming in, GM Larry Christiansen led the field by half a point.  GMs Joel Benjamin, Vadim Milov and Igor Ivanov were chasing him a mere half point behind, hoping for him to falter so they could catch him or even pass him by.  The two of them succeeded!  Joel Benjamin beat fellow Grandmaster Alex Yermolinsky to finish with eight points out of nine.  Vadim Milov was paired against Christiansen.  He finally prevailed to pass Larry by and share first place with Grandmaster Benjamin! 

Four qualify for the US Championship and two Women also qualify.

Four players and two women qualify for the US Championship from the 2005 US Open.  In order to be in contention, a player must commit and pay a $75 fee prior to making his or her first move in the tournament.  Forty-four players thought they had a chance of qualifying and paid their fees.  Only six made it!.  GM Larry Christiansen, who lead the tournament until the final round, finished with 7.5 out of nine and took the first spot.  The second spot was filled by IM David Vigorito of Nevada who also had 7.5 points.  IM Greg Shahade, newly elected to the USCF's Executive Board, was the third finisher with 7.5.  GM Gregory Serper, with a 7.0 score, took the fourth spot on tie-break.  Additionally there were two spots for women avaiable.  Elizabeth Vicary of New York took the first on tie-break with 6 points.  Second on tie-break was WFM Hana Itkis of New Jersey.

GM Larry Christiansen

IM David Vigorito

IM Greg Shahade

GM Gregory Serper

Elizabeth Vicary

WFM Hana Itkis

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