2018 Chess Camp Teaneck Week 9

ICA Scholastic Chess Camp Teaneck Week 9 Report:
Almost Thirty Kids this Week!

This week was, as is usually the case towards the end of the summer, one of the bigger ones in terms of the number of campers.  We had 29 campers in total and seven coaches to look after them.

In the tournament, the section one winner, Danny Paley, came from behind to beat Christian Lavrinovich  in their rated game on the last day, and then subsequently defeated him again in the ensuing first place playoff. (Christian led the tournament going into the last round.)  Jonathan Perchuk won section two, while Kento Giraldo won section three despite losing his last round game.  SSDS native Lev Liben (who took after school classes in SSDS and in his kindergarten program all year) won section four.

The Best Students in each group were Danny Paley in NM Chris Welcome’s group, Jonathan Perchuck and Alex Xu in Ivette’s group, Joanne Shen in Nick’s group, Ethan Han in Justin’s group, Lev Liben in Alessandro’s group, and Lucas Mkheidze in Daniel’s group.

The Problem Solving winners were Jonathan Perchuk and Joanne Shen, while Raymond Wang won the Survival in a Simul event. Many students took extra care to notate their games well and all the way through. As a result, three people were recognized in that category: Netanya Agin, Sonya Goyal, and Dov Liben.

For Sports Groups, the winners, from youngest to oldest, were Thomas Weichsel, Yeshaya Agin, Christian Lavrinovich, Joseph Kouperschmidt, Max Mkheidze, and Kento Numakura.  Kento was also recognized for winning in Soccer.

Danny Paley collected the Dodgeball prize, while Damien Geberovich was recognized for Art.

Zoya awarded three students for their excellence in Math: Danny Paley, Joseph Kouperschmidt, and Max Mkheidze. Zhanna, our music teacher, felt that Jesse and Jonathan Perchuk were the best in Music.

On Friday, the relay race winning team was “Jedi” (all team names were Star Wars-themed), comprised of both Kento N and Kento G along with Joseph, Lucas, Yeshaya, Sarah, and Reece.

The Blitz-Bughouse event was split into two leagues, with the higher league winners being Raymond and Robert “Captain Shtaub” Belson and the lower league winners being Lev and Netanya.

There is just one more week of camp left before the summer ends and we are completely out of room in both locations. 


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