Give Your Children The Gift Of Chess Camp This Christmas, Or Hanukkah ...

Give Your Children The Gift Of Chess Camp This Christmas, 
or Hanukkah Holiday Season!

Dear parents,

Let’s be honest giving your kid an Iphone, Ipad, Xbox, or Playstation is so 2016 it’s almost 2015.  If you truly want to make a life-changing gift this holiday season send them to our chess camp during the 2018 Winter holiday break from December 24th-28th. Never mind that most of your school districts are closed and if you don’t, they will drive you insane for that one single week (wink wink).

We will attempt to hold the camp in both Teaneck, and Glen Rock provided there are enough sign-ups in both locations.  The difference in price for early sign ups (before December 1st) ranges from $30 for 1 day ($90 before the deadline and $120 after) to $150 for all five days ($500 before the deadline and $650 after).  Please sign up early so we can best organize our groups and secure the necessary amount of coaches to give all the kids a better experience. 

As usual we will hold daily tournaments (unrated) and will have daily prize ceremonies, as well as a “grand prix” ceremony on Friday for students who won the most “best student” awards, and the most tournaments during the week.  Signing up for more days gives your child more chances to win that prize, although as we have seen in years past even as little as two days may be enough to clinch the “Grand Prix” awards. 

For a sample of all the craziness that ensued in previous years, check out our reports about the Winter camp from 2017and 2015 (We didn’t include 2016 for those parents who got their children a playstation instead).

Registration is open, and you can register online or by mail or in school

We will be happy to see you in CAMP!

 Register by Mail

Visitors: 95