Top Results From The May 19 Teaneck Elementary PTA & PTO Chess Fundraiser

Top Results from the May 19, 2019 
Teaneck Elementary PTA & PTO Chess Fundraiser


Thanks to all who came out to support the Teaneck Elementary School PTA & PTO Chess Fundraiser on Sunday, May 19th! Thanks to the generous donations from Pickle Licious, Teaneck Cinema and Apple Mortgage Cake! And special thanks to the commercial sponsors: TOPS and Cedar Lane Management Group.


We had 63 participants compete in 4 sections (by age group) at the Teaneck High School in the school Student Center.


The Top winners from each section are the following: 
 Section 1 (K-2) Anderson Schafer from Byrd School won 1st prize
 Section 2 (3-5) Nicholas Bize from Hawthorne School won 1st Prize
 Section 3 (6-8) Albert Abzalimov from Fairlawn won 1st Prize
 Section 4 (All Ages) Miguel Canet from Teaneck HS won 1st Prize
 Byrd Elementary, Glen Rock (Anderson & AJ Schafer, and Ari Onik)
 Teaneck High School (Miguel Canet and Avery Stacks)

Visitors: 5