Chess Kids Math Competition Results

Chess Kids Math Competition Results

ICA students are among the world’s strongest math students and we've got the results to prove it. Following are recent achievements on both the National and International front.


Winning the 2019 American Mathematical Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEM)'s highest honor, the Dr. George Lenchner Perfect Score Award, is 6th grade ICA student: Jonathan Plavnik. Jonathan's been at ICA since kindergarten and has been a part of our Math Olympiad program since 2nd grade. We're happy to celebrate a real milestone, Jonthan's gone from studying Dr.Lenchner books to earning the Dr.Lenchner award!

6th grade ICA student: Jonathan Plavnik

Nearly 170,000 students from 6,000 teams worldwide participate in the American Mathematical Olympiad. This year all 50 states and about 30 countries were represented. That puts into perspective the achievements of our students 


Following are several more ICA stellar winners:


Gregory Domashenko, 8th grade - Top 10% Silver Pin Award
Andrew Sung, 6th grade - 3rd place, Top 2% Gold Pin Award

Taddeo Wang, 6th grade - 4rd place, Top 2% Gold Pin Award

Jayin Johnson, 5th grade (SchoolPlus Program) - 4th Place, Top 2% Gold Pin Award

Lam To, 4th grade - 6th place, Top 2% Gold Pin Award

Alex Kovalenko, 5th grade - 6th place Top 2% Gold Pin Award

Laurence Finkelman, 5th grade- Top 10% Gold Pin Award

Ara Kazazian, 5th grade (SchoolPlus program) -Top 10% Silver Pin Award.

The International Mathematical Kangaroo

The International Mathematical Kangaroo is the largest international competition for school students around the globe,with over 6 million participants from more than 50 countries.

Three ICA students earned national recognition awards:

Ryan Liu, 3rd grade - 1st place in the State and National (perfect scores)
Vishnu Srikant, 3rd grade - 9th place!!

David Yu, 3rd grade   - 17th place!!


Ryan Liu, 3rd grade - 1st place in the State and National (perfect scores)


We want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Plavnik, for bringing the idea of Olympiad Class to ICA, which has led our students to new achievements.


We are also very thankful to the SchoolPlus director, Olga I. Fookson, for giving ICA students the opportunity to participate at the Mathematical Olympiads alongside the SchoolPlus students.


And last but not least, special thanks to our Mathematics teacher, Zoya Koza for her dedication. Zoya Koza has been teaching Math for more than 20 years, always encouraging young children to work hard.

Through the years she has developed her own program based on the Singapore Math System (Singapore has achieved the highest global education rankings for primary and secondary school pupils in math according to PISA), Math Circles Library as well as various other sources for Olympiad-level math.

Mathematics teacher, Zoya Koza

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