Alexander Wang And His Chess Partner Secure Victory At ChessKids Games!

Alexander Wang and His Chess Partner 
Secure Victory at ChessKids Games!

ICA student Alexander Wang

The inaugural ChessKid Games was held Saturday, June 1. and International Chess Academy had the honor of hosting 9 year old ICA student Alexander Wang on the Teaneck campus as he teamed up virtually with his partner, FIDE titled IM Hans Niemann to win the competition victoriously with 39.0 out of a possible 48 points over three disciplines. 

The winning pair bested nine other teams of kids who were similarly composed of FIDE titled teenagers plus invited juniors aged 10 or under. 

Experimenting with three different formats, the tournament began with three rounds of hand and brain (with the titled player as the brain), then moved on to puzzle duel, and finally moved to the most familiar format, blitz.

Alexander did more than enough to make the composite team score stand up. In the hand and brain portion the duo teamed up to comeback in the second round and notch the win. And in the nine puzzle duels, Alexander  scored seven wins, and added 6.0/9 in the blitz, which was plenty for first place.

With only nine years of age, Alexander just made USCF expert (2000). For the Tournament win, he now gets to have three hours of lessons with the top-30 player and 2018 U.S. champion GM Sam Shankland!

ICA could not be prouder!

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