2019 Summer Camp Week 5 Glen Rock

Week 5 report Glen Rock

Week 5 report Glen Rock

Week 5 was very hot indeed, in both senses. Although there was a day when weather gave us a small break in the form of rain, large number of campers didn’t allow us to relax for a single moment. Two GM Camps, apart from weekly Master and Day Camp (registration for both ended long before Week 5 had started), all at once, is no joke! 

Concerning other special facts about this week, these were the only 5 days in the season when our best students could learn from one of the world’s leading coaches GM Alex Chernin and GM Alex Stripunsky. As a result of the intensive 5-day training Sam (GM Camp A) and Jason (GM Camp B) have become the Best in Chess Groups. Andrew is the winner from the Master Camp, while at the Day Camp Kirill (Tanya’s Group), Steven (Chris’s Group), Ibrohim (David’s Group), Sajoon (Nick’s Group) and Kayla (Philip’s Group) have won the prize.


As usual, kids did not just learn chess theory, but also used the knowledge and skills they gained in practice, playing in the Tournaments. At GM Camp, Daniel (Section 1) and Lev (Section 2) are the most successful. At Master Camp (Section 3) Jane has been becoming the strongest player two weeks in a row. She has reaffirmed her practical skills, staying ahead of the competition at Master Camp Blitz as well. The Day Camp Tournaments have been won by Aadi (Section 4), Steven & Adrian (Section 5) and James (Section 6). 


Just like it was last week, we offered our students an opportunity to replace a traditional cheerful Blitz & Bughouse Tournament, held on Fridays, with a more serious Brain & Hand team chess game (see Week 4).  However, GM and Master Camp representatives preferred not to break the long-standing tradition. Blitz & Bughouse (GM & Master Camp), the team of Aadithya and Jaden has won the tournament. Well, but the kids from Day Camp have matched their strength with each other in the Brain & Hand competition. As a result, Peter & Steven, the winners of this tournament, have gained an advantage over the Blitz & Bughouse winners in terms of prize selection at the Closing Ceremony. And that’s how it will be (at least till the ending of Summer Camp 2019)!


By the way, the Brain & Hand victorious teammates, Peter and Steven, have also won the Math Competition. Next week will reveal if this is à coincidence or an establishing pattern.


Still, let’s get back to chess. On Week 5 the campers from Group B have shown the highest activity in struggling for the Solving Problems Prize. At the last moment, the victory was snatched by very determined Ian who also managed to win the Simul Survival Competition at the same Group B. He has completed his collection of chess victories with getting the Best Notation Prize

Unfortunately, members of a stronger Group A hadn’t shown particular ambitions while fighting for the Problem-Solving Prize, and that allowed Kirill to win this not so tight without much effort. On the opposite side, Davin, showing himself as very tenacious, has reached the goal, becoming the Group A strongest member in the Survival in a Simul Competition. After a resurgence of interest in the Homework Prize last week, there was again a no interest in Week 5, so this prize went unawarded.


Well, as for non-chess nominations, these ones had the full treatment. James (2013), Noah (2012), Davin (2011), Ethan M. (2010-2011), Ibrohim (2010), Kirill (2007-2008) and Jaden (Master Camp) have become the best ones in Sports Groups.

Kirill (Boys) and Jane (Girls) have become the winners of a super-popular on campus Dodgeball game. Little Sam’s achievements (for which prizes are not provided though) can be mentioned as well. In the last two days, he started to participate in this favorite game of our campers and happened to be quite a good player. Sam’s rivals are lucky he got involved into that struggle for the prize not so long ago.

Concerning Soccer, the 2nd popular game, Aadi has become the best player. Ethan M. has won the Volleyball Prize.


For three weeks, we’ve been holding a new competition - the Races, which is also became very popular. While Ethan M., one of the best sportsmen within his age group, gained victory effortlessly in Group B, there was strong rivalry between Kirill and Valerie at Group A. It came to the additional race where Kirill apparently won in brief microseconds. However, as we had no opportunity to take a photo finish, we decided to reward both finalists.


Peter has won the Music Prize. Sean has become the winner of the Math competition in younger group (Allie’s Group). As for the Art Contest, Kayla and Katherine have shown the best results. Kayla has also won the Healthy Lunch Competition.

Faysal has been considered the Most Helpful Camper, Veer - the Most Organized, and Katherine - the Most Enthusiastic one. As for the Best Effort Prize - Kai has got it rightfully. 


Kirill attempted to bit Mathias’s record (Mathias earned six prizes in Week 2) and gathered the largest collection of 5 prizes, but is still behind by one prize.


During Week 5 we tried another novelty - Giant Chess in the open air, for those small campers who didn’t want to take part in outside sports. We are counting on new opportunities for outside chess-related activities, provided by the big board and figures we’ve got now. Next week we’ll try to think of using them to their maximum potential - and we’ll be grateful for any ideas.

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