2019 Summer Camp Week 6 Teaneck

Report on week 6, Teaneck


This week we welcomed many new campers, many of whom were beginners. We would like to note a great start for FELICITY CHO, who worked on one-on-one with coach Sophie. She made great progress during the week and was named best student among list of more experienced players:



Best student:

Tournament WINNERS

Slava / Section 1

Shmuel Bassik

Ezra Landa

Ivette / Section 2

Leo Chon & Soohan Cho

Shmuel Bassik

Sean / Section 3

Elijah Grossman

Leo Chon

Alessandro / Section 4

Yeshaya Agin

Achyut Manoj

Sophie / Section 5

Felicity Cho



Congratulations to SHMUEL BASSIK, who managed to win Simul Survival in addition to being a Best Student and Tournament Winner. Fantastic results!

Coach ROBERT would like to mention solid progress from NGOZI DIKE, who expressed great passion for chess and showed a good feel for the board. Way to go!

Chess provides some opportunities for teamwork, and Bughouse-Blitz is always the most popular game among our campers. We would like to congratulate our Blitz-Bughouse winning team during WEEK 6 - YESHAYA AGIN & MIA CHEN.  Well done, guys!

Congratulations to PEARL CHON for being the best notator!!! Keep up the good work.

This week we were lucky with sunny weather, so we played sports outside as much as we could.

This week we had 5 nominations in sports by age group, and here are our winners:

Age group 2012 -2013 - NGOZI DIKE

Age group 2011 - LUCAS CHO

Age group 2010 - KYLE TANG

Age group 2008 -2009 - C.J. DIKE

Age group 2007 AVYAY MANOJ

After 5 weeks of CHARLES JINN’s unbeatable results in dodgeball, we finally got a new winner - C.J. DIKE!  WOW!


Congratulations to our winners in Relay Races: -  SONYA GOYAL, C.J. DIKE, NGOZI DIKE, LUCAS CHO and FECILITY CHO!


ICA Camps are known for their popular art, math and music activities. But before announcing our next nominations, we would like to congratulate our camper ANAHIT MELKUMOV with completing 6 weeks of ICA Camp. ANAHIT is not only passionate chess player, but a great artist! This week ANAHIT received a special nomination - Veteran Camper and got a personalized bag to keep her memories from the Summer of 2019! See you next Summer!

YESHAYA AGIN, LUCAS CHO and SONYA GOYAL were named the best mathematicians of WEEK 6! Congratulations!

The Music Award went to ERZA LANDA, and the Art Award went to VLADIMIR KOVALEVSKYI!

Congratulations to all campers with the successful completion of WEEK 6!

ICA is looking forward to seeing you next week!

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