2019 Summer Camp Week 6 Glen Rock

Week 6 Report – Glen Rock
2019 Week 6 Report – Glen Rock

Despite that there was only one GM Camp on Week 6, it was almost as crowded as last week. We even had to split the GM camp into 2 Sections to conduct tournaments. Aryeh Leib has become the winner in Section 1, while Ian N and Johji are the winners in Section 2. As for Master Camp, it also couldn’t do without sharing 1st place: Jane and Andrew were celebrating in Section 3.

Day Camp had tournaments in 4 sections. Elizabeth has become the best in Section 4, and that is sensational. Initially, she looked like an outsider, with the lowest rating - but winning four games in a row, she confidently surpassed all of her competitors. Gregory, the “old-timer” of our camp, is the winner in Section 5 and Ian P - in Section 6. Our little camper Anbo, who studies chess with great pleasure, is the winner in Section 7. By the way, this passion has worked well for him, as he has also won the Day Camp Blitz and Problems Solving (Group D) Prizes.


As we’re done with the main tournaments, let me tell you about the side ones. Jaden has won the Master Camp Blitz. He has also got the 1st place in the Blitz & Bughouse Tournament (GM Camp Section), paired with Aryeh Leib. Before you ask, l would like to specify that in this “fun tournament” Jaden was moved to GM Camp Section based on his victory in Blitz tournament.


Day Camp has made a smart choice in favor of Hand & Brain Chess (instead of Blitz & Bughouse) for the second week in a row. This time almost all students of the Master Camp have joined the Day Camp. In order to fit everyone, we had to make two sections. David & Elizabeth has become the strongest team in the Hand & Brain (Section A), while Gregory & Ian Z took the prize for Hand & Brain (Section B).


As usual, besides practical chess tournaments we’ve conducted intensive theoretical studies every morning in our camp. Based on the results of Week 6, the Best Students are: Aryeh and Ian N (GM Camp), Andrew and David (Master Camp), Kirill (coach Tanya), Ian Z (coach Chris), Gregory and Kai (coach David), Brant (coach Nick), Nitya (coach Philip), Kayla (coach Malina), Jacob (coach Alex).


Other chess prizes have also been claimed.  It’s encouraging to realize that now there are even more campers which are willing to work on chess at home. That’s why there are 4 winners at once in the Homework category: Kirill, Faysal, Veer and Maia!


You already know about Anbo’s achievements in chess, so now we’re announcing the names of other Problem-Solving Prize winners. Ari O is the best in Group A, and Ari K is in Group B. Concerning Group C, Sajoon had no equals there.


So, the last chess nomination is the Simul Survival Prize. Here are the winners’ names: Ryan (Group A), Saul (Group C). It’s very strange there were no competitors for this prize in Group B. It’s hard to remember any similar cases! Hope that next week our students won’t miss an opportunity to fight over this interesting prize in all sections.


Kirill, who has surpassed all his competitors in Group A, and Jackson, who has revealed to be the fastest in Group B, have become the Races’ winners. Volleyball Prize has been taken by Veer. The Soccer Winners are Brant and Kulyan. As for Dodgeball, Jaden (Boys) and Valerie (Girls) have won.


Best in Sports Groups in Day Camp are: Anbo (2013) - who has turned out to be not only a good chess player, but also a good sportsman, Maia (2012), Veer (2011), Gregory (2010), Selina (2009–2010) and Valerie (2007-2008). As for the Master Camp, these are Jaden (Group A) and Kulyan (Group B).


Valerie has won the Healthy Lunch Prize. Faysal has become the Most Helpful Camper. Ariella is the winner in the Best Effort Competition; Selina is the Most Organized, and for Most Enthusiastic Jacob.


As you know, during the additional programs of our camp that takes place after lunch, kids have opportunities to study Math, or Art, or Music. This week Ryan and Selina (Math), Nitya (Allie’s Math), Maia and Jackson (Art) and Gregory (Music) are the winners in these activities. 


And now, my dear friends, let me finish our story about Week 6. We hope it has been interesting and useful for you, and we are looking forward to seeing you at our Summer Camp again!

Visitors: 107