World Chess Championship had started in Argentina

The Tournament will take place at Hotel Potrero de los Funes Complex, Province of San Luis, Argentina. San Luis is one of the few microclimates in the world, and is known not only for its weather characteristics, but also for the affection of its people.

The Province of San Luis is connected to the world through the most important and modern information highway of the country. It offers complementary activities for children and the general public in different places of the city. All this will allow an authentic chess festival for all ages to take place. For twenty days during September and October, the best players in the world will display their talents in the Province of San Luis while competing for the most important title.

The Tournament, under the aegis of the governing body of chess (FIDE), will be broadcast throughout the world and  will be followed avidly by  millions of chess fans.

World Chess Championship web site 


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