End Of July Summer Camp Report

End of July Summer Camp Report

We've tackled mathematics, explored art techniques, musical instruments, challenged ourselves creatively, and tried to participate in daily outdoor play (even on the hottest of days.) As for Chess, there's constant training on how to exercise careful strategies and tactics, evaluate threats, and develop defenses within the game. The goal is to learn more and more every day. It's hard work, but so much fun. Fridays the coaches recognize the kids' achievements, and, on this day, rewards are handed out! Yep, that's summer camp so far. 

We hope you're keeping up with our progress by checking daily the highlights and reports from our fun-filled, information-packed Summer Camp program on Instagram,  Facebook and on the website at: ICANJ.NET, Don't be shy about liking our posts and leaving your comments, please! 

Thank you!

End of July Summer Camp Report

Today we honor and recognize all the girls who play chess and attend our Summer Camp program.  At ICA, we train on tactics, point values, positioning, evaluating move-by-move threats and defenses, and our girls have the chance to learn these skills and develop the kind of discipline that can only prepare these girls for a brighter future. 
more pictures on Facebook)


The US Chess Federation released this video in 2018 that spotlights the gender gap in the world of competitive chess. We recommend that you watch it and share your thoughts with us! 

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