2019 Math Classes

Math Classes
  In addition to our namesake chess classes, the ICA is happy to offer math classes this fall. In Glen Rock, they will be taught by Zoya Koza, a former NYC high school teacher with over twenty years’ teaching experience. We will also offer classes in Teaneck with Dr. Mark Kauderer. He has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and has been teaching math and physics to students ranging from elementary school to university for the past 20 years. Mark is also the author of a book on mathematical physics. He currently teaches high school mathematics and works as a private tutor.
 These classes range from 1st to 8th grade depending on day and time. Classes focus on the development of critical thinking skills and various problem-solving methods. Zoya and Mark adapt known teaching systems to enrich their classes. These include The Art of Problem Solving, Math Circles, and Singapore Math. These programs concentrate on areas of math that require high-order logical thinking rather than just rote memorization and application of formulas. Our goal is not just to teach your children how to do math; we want them to learn how to think about solving any type of problem, whether it involves math, chess, or anything else!
Sign up for math and chess together this fall to get a discount!

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