The Super Saturday Quads Are Back!

The Super Saturday Quads Are Back!
Registration will close at exactly 11:59 PM
on the day before the tournament.

Register Now

With all of our chess and math classes having successfully transitioned to a virtual setting, we are proud to announce that we will now be running our weekly Super Saturday tournaments online as well.

This week’s tournament will be hosted on, which uses a combination of software and a human support team to ensure that USCF fair-play guidelines are followed throughout the tournament.

In a time of so many drastic changes, we are trying to change as little as possible about the tournament structure. As such, we will still be playing G/30;d5 for sections under 1000 and G/45;d5 for sections over 1000. We will be using USCF classical (over-the-board) ratings to create the sections.

We will try our best to make every section a quad (four players) so that every player plays everyone else in their section and nobody gets a bye.

The entry fee is $27, and first prize is $60 in each section. Registration closes at 12:30 pm on Saturday, and the tournament will start at exactly 1:30 pm.

You can find more details on our new site @ If you have any questions, please email

We hope to see you there!

Visitors: 94