2020 Virtual Summer Day camp Program


Because of the extensive health precautions, in-person summer camps are on pause for now, however, the good news is, our students will still be able to participate --VIRTUALLY! 

Our summer camps will be integrated into an all-day virtual program (with additional A.M. or P.M. options) consisting of group classes, tournaments, puzzles, art classes, math classes, mind games, acting classes and more. We will take care of keeping your child mentally stimulated and engaged while at home.

From beginner student to the advanced, our coaches are here to help your child grow and excel.

All chess classes and camp sessions are conducted online using the conferencing tool ZOOM as the virtual classroom platform, however, numerous other programs and apps will be implemented for a variety of activities and functions. With a 6:1 student teacher ratio, our entire curriculum is designed with a focus on safety, discipline, and privacy. Instructors are trained to carry out instruction with the utmost respect for the safety of our students. 

10AM-10:50AM: First Chess Lesson (Puzzle/Concepts) Coaches will guide students through a concept for the day, targeted toward a specific area of their games depending on their levels. Puzzles/Exercises will help cement knowledge.

10:50AM-11AM: Short Intermission
11AM-12PM: Second Chess Lesson (Analysis) Coaches will analyze hand-picked chess games, from the students or other players, to illustrate common techniques and critical thinking patterns that are necessary for growth in chess.
12PM-1:30PM: Lunch Break
1:30PM-2PM: Chess.com Puzzle Rush (A camp-wide interactive competition) Students will "rush" to solve as many puzzles as they can within a 30-minute period. Three strikes and the run ends!
2PM-3PM: A camp-wide chess tournament separated by skill level. All levels participate!
3PM-4:30PM: Various activities including:
-- Math Classes
-- Mind Games 
-- Simul vs. Coaches
-- Art Classes/Acting Classes


Mind Games & Puzzles

A class designed to improve a student’s logic, concentration and cognition by using a variety of different approaches that focus on key areas of the brain. Keeping to the traditional classroom experience, students will be exposed to hands on activities (such as the Towers of Hanoi), strategy board games (Reversi/Go) and memory challenges (matching, pattern recognition). Also, students will be exposed to numerous fun and creative “Brain Riddles” that focus on the development of logic and a higher level of understanding (Sudoku, (de)coding, Word Puzzles, Math Riddles). Students will have the opportunity to solve detective mysteries by finding clues and using hints through Bright Side videos, in addition to a number of other interactive games that will improve their problem-solving abilities.


The students will be split into groups based on skill (USCF ratings if they have one) and will play matches against the other students in their group. 

These matches will be regulated the same as normal tournaments! The participants will be together in a ZOOM call and muted so everybody can focus on their games. There will also be a tournament director present on the call during the matches. 


Note: Matches will NOT be USCF rated as the USCF does not allow online games to affect classical ratings. Regardless, we will expect and enforce serious play during the tournament games to ensure that the tournaments are a good learning and playing experience for the participants.


We are currently planning to host our matches on chess.com to take advantage of their strict fair play, assurance measures, and to discourage any cheating/unnatural assistance. 


Art Class

Erica Linnik will be joining our team as our Summer Camp Art Instructor!


Erica is a self-taught, hardworking artist. She has been sketching since she was a young girl and her body of work ranges from hand-drawn fantasy creatures, to real-life portraits, to creating unique hand-made dreamcatchers. She will make use of the virtual platform to teach students how to create their very own dreamcatchers and will also teach basic art concepts such as how to identify shapes and shade to build depth. Erica also plans to cover the different styles of art in history, and will study with her student’s examples of realism, cubism, impressionism, surrealism, and more. 

Acting Class

In a career that spans 20 years, Alexis Robbins, our Sumer Camp Theater instructor has worked with prestigious NYC companies such as The Barrow Group, No Tea Productions, and The Pearl Theatre. She is also had the opportunity to perform at acclaimed venues such as The Edinburg Fringe Festival and Boston’s Improv Asylum. Recently she formed her own company, After School Play, and has returned to her love of teaching. 

Alexis has already been working with students in the virtual environment using Zoom in her After School Play groups and understands how to meet the needs of children learning and being creative online.  

Each class will have an individualized approach with lessons on the fundamentals of theatre including improvisation, character development, story development, theatre language, theatre history, and even dialect! Kids will have lots of fun exploring their imaginations and learning the art of performance in a unique and supportive environment. In addition to theatre education, Alexis will also concentrate on reading, memorization, public speaking, and creative collaboration. 


We cannot wait to see our campers perform!



Registration is NOW open for the 2020 Virtual Summer Day Camp Season! We have NINE WEEKS of chess lessons, chess games, competition, challenges, constant activity, mental exercising, healthy stimulation all in a safe environment.

Our camp tuition is based on small groups of students led by highly trained Chess instructors, as well as additional supportive professionals. By maintaining small groups of no more than a six students per instructor, your aspiring chess master is guaranteed to receive the individualized attention and instruction needed for this highly skilled discipline. ​

Along with the numerous unique activities we have planned, we intend to maintain a fun, exciting, and engaging online camp, and will be giving out awards and prizes every Friday based on the participation and performance of the campers. ​


We offer multiple discounts!  
20% off when you sign up for 3+ weeks.  
10% Sibling discounts. 

Any ICA student who has attended classes or camps for 2 or more years, that would like to attend but needs financial assistance, please contact our Director to discuss additional financial aid options. 



Visitors: 494