July 18Th Report

July 18 Quads (in Honor of International Chess Day)

Greetings players, and happy international chess day! Thank you for playing in our special event, we're glad you put as much time into chess as some of us do! With a record 64 players (happened to be the same # of squares on the chessboard!), our biggest turnout yet, we were happy to see that even with a higher turnout, things still ran relatively smoothly and everyone was able to have a competitive tournament! Thank you all for following procedure!


We tried to make this tournament as special as possible with lowered entry fees, we hope you appreciate the gesture and find your own way to contribute back to our game. Whether it be by playing, teaching, or spreading your passion, we believe each chess player has something to offer!


With a game as age-old as chess is, it is always nice to see new blood entering the scene! If you would like to share your story of what got you into the game, reply to this email and we'll feature some in our report!

Reply with:

-How you were introduced to chess

-What makes you enjoy the game

-How high are you looking to take your tournament skill?


Some highlights of today's players:

  • Congratulations to winners of all 16 sections!: Dennis, Eric, Claire, Albert, Jody, Arnav, Matthew, Rusheel, Daniel, Jack, Davin, Mark, Lucas, Nicholas, Arjun, Andrew, Elad, and Dhruva!
  • Perfect scorers: Arnav, Jack, Davin, Lucas, Nicholas, Arjun, Andrew, and Elad!
  • A special congratulations to Claire, Dhruva, and Nicholas for back-to-back victories in their past 2 sections! 
  • Our Game of the Week award goes to David and Dennis! You can view the game here: DavidvDennis


Thank you all once again for playing and continuing to come back! We appreciate the commitment! We hope you did and continue to enjoy it!


P.S. Many Thanks to Alessandro and Nick (who managed run the tournament and play at the same time) who made it once again look perfect!

Visitors: 94