January 16Th, 2021 Quads Report

January 16th, 2021 Quads Report

As always, thank you to all players for your participation and cooperation in helping us run a smooth tournament! We also had a lot of new players this week. We hope you all enjoyed your first event with us, and you will be back to play more in the future!

Welcome to all our new players: Hemtej, Pranav, Aayush, Aarav B. , Mohammad, Ginelle, Carson, Samantha, and Sujia!

In Section 1, one of our new players Pranav made his smashing entrance topping a 6-player swiss! He ended the section with an impressive 2.5 out of 3 points. Coming in behind him in a tie for second was Jane and Albert with two points each.

Section 2 saw a strong youth player returning to the field. This was her first online event with us, and she did not fail to impress! Sujia also battled a 6-player swiss and came out on top with a perfect score! Congratulations to Sujia! Again, in a tie for second, Robert and Geoffrey with two points each.

In Section 3, Angie returned to the top of the standings with another perfect score. Ever since started playing with us, she has been a serious competitor and today was no different. Congratulations Angie!

Section 4 saw two winning streaks begin! In a close battle, Vishal and Mark tied for first with 2 points each. Both of them have now started a two-time winning streak! Let us see how far you can take it. Good luck to you both!

In Section 5, Sahana crushed the section in spectacular fashion. With a perfect 3 out of 3 points, she not only makes her rise to the top of the standings but also earns the game of the week! In this game, Sahana`s tactics led the way to an impressive victory against Joey. You can see the game here: https://www.chess.com/live/game/6254833548

Section 6 saw a familiar face topping the standings. Justin paved his way to the top with 2.5 points out of 3! Justin has been a regular player in our events for a very long time. We admire your dedication to the game and enjoy watching your improvement! Well done Justin!

In Section 7, Everest and Harshini split the spoils in a two-way tie for first. Both players scored 2 points out of 3. With this victory, Everest is now on a two-time winning streak. As he`s been playing more and more, I`m sure we`ll see him back to continue the run soon!

Section 8 witnessed the rising of one of our most improved players to date. After attending numerous events and classes, the hard work is paying off for George! Demolishing the section with a perfect score, George takes home the trophy all to himself. Congratulations George!

In Section 9, Ginelle enters the competition with a statement! She may be new to our events but she`s certainly not new to chess. On her first ever tournament with us, she conquered her section with a perfect score! Congratulations and I hope we will see you again soon.

In Section 10, Angelo crushed the competition with a perfect record! Constantly improving, Angelo has seriously leveled up since the last time we saw him play! We will probably be moving you up to higher competition soon! Well played Angelo!

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