2021 Master Class Spring Schedule


Our Future-Master and Master Classes at ICA are starting to fill up with the indomitable team of GM Alex Stripunksly and WGM Irina Levitina helming the reins.


As many ICA students can attest, taking a class with GM Alex will help take your game to another level. GM Stripunsky has gained great respect and recognition as one of America's Elite Grandmasters and is known as one of the Premier Chess Coaches in the US after serving as one of the trainers for the historic 2004 Women Olypiad Training Squad and as Coach of the

Women’s Olympian Team.


Our own WGM Irina is always a student favorite. Her impeccable pedigree includes being the Soviet Women's Champion four times, in 1971, 1978 (jointly), 1979, and 1981. Then, in 1984 she was a World Championship Candidate before immigrating to the US in 1990 where she became the U.S. Women's Champion in 1991 (jointly), 1992, and 1993 (jointly).

Take advantage of these coaches’ World Championship knowledge and join us in these exciting Master Classes! Sign up now for EARLY BIRD pricing and to secure your spot.

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