February 27th, 2021 Quads Report

February 27th, 2021 Quads Report

Hello everyone! We had a yet another successful Super Saturday Tournament this weekend with 48 players and 12 sections. Thanks to Kanishk, Arjun, Anshul, Jason, and Mayer for playing in their first ICA tournament, and thanks to everyone else for returning to play again.

In the top section, Yeshwanth and Xuan split first place with 2 out of 3 apiece. Both are on a two-tournament winning streak!

Veteran competitor Aaron tied with Audrey to split the top honors in section two.

Michael won in section three with another consistent performance.

In Section 4, Brian won his second tournament out of two with a perfect score. Look out, top sections, he is coming for you next time!

Matthew Deamer came out on top in the last Over 1000 section with 2.5 points.

Rising star Angie crushed section six with three convincing victories.

Ethan came back from a short hiatus and put up a solid performance to become the winner in section seven.

In his first appearance, Kanishk edged out Joey by half a point to win section eight.

Matthew Hansen bounced back from a rough first week to take down section nine.

Hyland dismantled each of his opponents on the way to winning section ten with a perfect score.

Andrew, George, and Kenton split first place in section 11 with two points each.

Dante came back from a rough performance last time to take down section 12 with a perfect tally.

Check out our game of the week, which features an exciting back-and-forth battle between Ashwin and Adrian that culminates in an exciting passed-pawn endgame: https://www.chess.com/live/game/8196261655

Thanks for playing and see you next week!

February 27th, 2021 Quads Report

Visitors: 74