May 1St, 2021 Quads Report

Last week we welcomed back players to our first Super Saturday Quads of May! A big thank you to everybody who came to play! And a special thank you to our many first-time participants: Rouven, Rishab, Matthew C, Thomas, Conrad, Arora, Ashton, and Adam! Let us look at the highlights:

In Over 1000 Section 1, Amitai and Rouven split first place with 2 points each. Going into the last round, Rouven had 2 points and Amitai had 1 point, but Amitai defeated Rouven to dramatically split the spoils. Another interesting game was Rouven’s victory over Alexander, our game of the week. This game featured pawn storms on opposite side castled kings, culminating in a nice mate. You can check out the game here: Nicely done to all!

In Over 1000 Section 2, Albert was the narrow winner with 2/3, finishing just half a point ahead of Matthew and Rishand. He unfortunately lost his last game against Matthew, but excellent attacking play in his first two games was enough on this occasion. Good work Albert!

In Over 1000 Section 3, the victor was Matthew D. It was his second victory in a row, hopefully this will be the start of an amazing streak. Regardless, he won this time due to his excellent understanding of the Italian, which appeared in all his games. Congratulations Matthew!

In Under 1000 Section 1, we saw an overly exciting tournament, but in the end, Mark was unstoppable with 3/3 points. He gained great positions out of the opening and was repeatedly able to turn those into winning attacks. Great job Mark!

In Under 1000 Section 2, the winner was George with 2.5 points. In all his games, George was able to capitalize on the mistakes of his opponents to gain advantages. After accurate play, those advantages often became genuinely nice wins. Well done, George!

In Under 1000 Section 3, nobody could stop Jaeden, who finished with a perfect score. He won his games by checkmating his opponents in style three times. His pieces worked together brilliantly to trap the opponent’s king time after time. Amazing combinations Jaeden!

In Under 1000 Section 4, the winner with 3/3 was the other Pangaribuan brother, Jeremy! As a matter of fact, it was his second tournament victory on the bounce. Hopefully, this will start a streak of victories for Jeremy as well. Great job!

In Under 1000 Section 5, the tournament was Grayson’s. He won all his games, thus taking first place. In his openings, he played a variety of interesting moves. To give an example, in game 1 he played the Grob, or 1. g4! Congratulations to Grayson!

In Under 1000 Section 6, Jakob achieved 3 victories out of 3 and won the tournament. In his games, he used different tactics to help him gain an advantage. His knight forks were sharp and highly dangerous. Excellent work Jakob!

In Under 1000 Section 7, the winner was Andrew with a perfect 3/3. In the tournament, the decisive game ended up being his second-round victory over second-place Aarav. This was a fascinating victory, partly because he successfully played the questionable Damiano Defense. Congratulations to Andrew!

In Under 1000 Section 8, Yujeong took the section with a perfect score. This was an accomplished performance, as he dominated his games. One tactic that he used especially well was pins. Through different pins he won his opponent’s pieces, or even checkmated. Congratulations!

In Under 1000 Section 9, Adam, playing with us for the very first time, won the section. Not only that, but he won all his games through great queen checkmates! What an incredible start to his Super Saturday Quads career, and well-done Adam!

2021 May 1st


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