July 17Th, 2021 Quads Report

On July 17th, we welcomed players back for another edition of ICA’s Super Saturday Quads. This week we had 9 sections, and 5 clear winners. Thanks to all the players, and especially our new players, Zoe, Jake, Ido, Dennis, and Devam.

Now going onto the games:

In Over 1000 Section 1

We had a clear winner with a perfect score of 3/3. Phillip Hoang played a beautiful ending in the second round, where he won a famous ending with black. He played very patiently and waited to slowly crush his opponent. His great play earns this week’s game of the week. You can check out the game here. https://www.chess.com/game/live/20286064891. Congrats!

In Over 1000 Section 2

We had a clear winner, Aiden, with 2.5/3 points. In a second-round decisive game, Aiden played the Scandinavian and quickly crushed an un-castled king. The miniature was very instructive, and it reminds players, that development and king safety, are incredibly important for winning games.

In Over 1000 Section 3

We had a clear winner Vivek with a perfect score of 3 points. In round 2, he played a Run Lopez, with a nice positional win. His opponent, ended up blundering, a piece, but his knight maneuvers, were spectacular. We also had a 3-way tie for second place all with one point. William, Rishab, and Mark all won one game. Congrats, on pushing through!

In Over 1000 Section 4

Newcomer Jake swept the section to win. He showed mastery of the King’s pawn openings and worked hard for his victory by going into three long, tactical games and eventually creating and converting an advantage each time. Congratulations to him for a great start to his quads career!

In Over 1000 Section 5

Quad’s mainstay Geoffrey made a triumphant return after a couple months by winning his section with 2.5/3, edging out second place Murugan by half of a point. Geoffrey had several exciting positions in which he brought a pawn storm down on the opponent’s king, but he showed his prowess in less aggressive situations as well by grinding out Murugan in a rook endgame in the tournament’s decisive game.

In Under 1000 Section 1

We had another clear winner, Juno, with a perfect score of 3/3. In Round 2, he had an interesting London System, that involved many tactics. The game eventually became more positional, and Juno’s knight maneuvers led to a loss of a piece. A great game, and a well deserving result. Great Game!

In Under 1000 Section 2 We had a 6 person Swiss, with a clear winner, Bentley Zee. In his last game, he played a good Scotch, where his development and piece activity were too much for black. The game was incredibly instructive and shows us development in the opening can never be bad.

In Under 1000 Section 3

We had a two-way tie for first, with Daniel and Hovannes both scoring 2/3 points. In their game, Daniel won out of a Queen’s Gambit Accepted, by making tactical weaknesses. Although, he won that game, Hovannes did not give up and won his last game. Great games, with an even better fighting spirit.

In Under 1000 Section 4 We had another clear winner with a perfect score of 3/3. Justin in his second game, played the 4 knights with black, and went for an all-out attack on the kingside. Black’s rook and queen coordination was too much, and Justin ended up winning.

Everyone played fighting games, and never gave up. We hope to see you guys next week, July 24 for the next edition of the Super Saturday Quads

Visitors: 60