Sunday August 8Th Reports

Booster Section Report

In the booster section, we saw 14 eager rookie competitors play against each other in 4 quick rounds. Despite the virtual format, the competitiveness of the section was still felt by all. The kids played through sharp and exciting positions from the comfort of their own homes while parents had the opportunity to follow the action without distracting the players. There were some miraculous comeback wins, clever tactics, and a fair amount of backrank, ladder, and scholar’s mates. Congratulations to Narayan, Darsh, Anna D., and Daniel for earning 3+ points in the section, and thereby earning the right to play in Stepping Stone 5 in the next progressive tournament on August 22nd. Also, special congratulations to Narayan for winning all 4 of his games and 1st place in the section!

Steppingstone 5 Report

Now in Stepping Stone 5, we had 14 more experienced and seasoned tournament players who, through the tournament’s four rounds, fought their way out of interesting and dangerous positions. We also got to see these players grind their way through more positional games. Similar to the booster section, most of the games did not reach the maximum time limit allotted by the G25+3 time control. Unfortunately this section saw some delays in its start time. As a reminder to parents and players, please make sure only to register if you plan to show up on tournament day. Absences can cause odd numbers, negatively affecting the tournament experience for everyone involved. On a separate note, congrats to Ray and Aviana on earning their 2nd norm towards a category 5 title as they both now need to pass a test to officially get the title! Also congrats to Maxim for earning his 1st norm towards the category 5 title! 

Steppingstone 4 Report

Being the most exclusive and experienced group, the games in stepping stone 4 were extremely exciting for players and spectators alike. This time there were only four participants and unfortunatley nobody was able to make 1st norm towards category 4 title!

Better luck next time!

TD NOTE  ***Once again thank you all for playing! The next event will be August 22. If you have any questions about where or what to register for, please email us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks***


Visitors: 53