Agust 7Th, 2021 Quads Report

On August 7th, we welcomed players back for another Super Saturday Quads. This week we had 32 players, and 16 winners. Thanks to everyone for playing, and special thanks to our new players: Zekai, Evalina, and Boyce.

Now into the games. 

In Over 1000 Section 1 Aadit won with a perfect score of 3/3. In his last game he played black in the Rossolimo Sicilian. After swiftly gaining the bishop pair he pushed his kingside pawns. That attack proved to be vicious and decided the game. The game was played very precisely and beautifully. With a great game he wins this week’s game of the week. Feel free to check out the game here: 

In Over 1000 Section 2 Aiden won with a score of 2/3 points. After losing his first game, he needed to win the remaining two to even attempt to win the section. In his last game, the position changed from static to dynamic many times. Taking every positional advantage available, eventually his opponent’s position faltered. After patiently maneuvering, he won a very important pawn that led to a devastating attack and win.

Great Game. 

In Over 1000 Section 3 We had a tie for first with Vihaan and Sophia with 2/3 points each. Sophia was in the driving seat for most of the tournament after winning her first 2 games. Vihaan on the other hand had to catch up after losing his first. In the last game when they played Vihaan played a Scotch hoping for winning chances. After many bishop maneuvers, Sophia thought she would trap Vihaan’s bishop. However, Vihaan had a plan to make sure that his bishop would not be captured. After escaping a potential threat Vihaan won many pawns and subsequently the game.

Great Fighting Spirit. 

In Under 1000 Section 1 We had a 3-way tie for first place with each player scoring 2/3 points! Our winners were Charles, Ayush, and Bentley. All three players had their respective ups and downs. Charles beat Ayush but lost to Bentley. Bentley beat Charles, but lost to Ayush, and Ayush beat Bentley but lost to Charles. In Charles vs Bentley, Charles was in the driver’s seat for most of the game but blundered a couple of pawns and went into a losing ending. In Bentley vs Ayush, Ayush found magnificent tactics to win material. Finally, in Ayush vs Charles, Ayush played an unsound sacrifice, which Charles capitalized on and won.

Wonderful games, and proof to never give up. 

In Under 1000 Section 2 Chunyu won with a score of 2/3 points. So far, its been a recurring theme that a player loses his first and wins their next two and this is no different. In his last game, he played aggressively as he wanted to win. His opponent then blundered, and Chunyu won a piece swiftly. The material advantage proved to be enough to convert. 

In Under 1000 Section 3 We had another 3-way tie for first again all with 2/3 points. Our winners were Juno, Shiv, and Vihan. Vihan beat Shiv, Juno beat Vihan, and Shiv beat Juno. In Vihan vs Shiv, Vihan was on fire, and found many tactical gems. He won material and then the game. In Juno vs Vihan, Juno’s kingside attack proved to be too much to handle, and he checkmated his opponent. In Shiv vs Juno, it was a positional game filled with maneuvers. Shiv ended up controlling the only open file and completely shut down one of Juno’s bishops. The pure domination of the position led to a full point for Shiv. 

In Under 1000 Section 4 We had a tie for first place with David and Achyut both with 2/3 points. David won his first two games but lost his last game giving the chance to Achyut to catch up. In his last game, Achyut capitalized on a blunder by his opponent. After that he was cruising and was able to tie for first. Great Game. 

In Under 1000 Section 5 We had another tie for first place this time among 3 people! All scoring 2/3 points, Matthew, Evalina, and Daniel J, were our winners. Matthew lost to Evalina, Evalina lost to Daniel J, and Daniel J lost to Matthew. In Matthew vs Evalina, Evalina made many threats and eventually forked the king and queen, therefore winning material. In Daniel J vs Evalina, Daniel J played aggressive and ended up with a mate attack. In Daniel J vs Matt, unfortunately Daniel blundered his queen. Great Games.


Thank you all for participating and we hope to see you again.


Visitors: 61