Agust 14Th, 2021 Quads Report

On August 14th, we welcomed players back for another Super Saturday Quads. This week we had a whopping 48 players and many winners. We would like to thank all participants that have joined us in the past, and especially our new participants: Christopher V., Shrinivas, Eiaa, Ray, Aryan, Aadarsh, David L., Akshara, and Karthik.

Now into the Games

In Over 1000 Section 1

There was a 6 person Swiss, with Philip coming in first with a neat 2.5/3 points. In the last round, he needed a win to ensure first place, resulting in him taking many risks throughout the game. From what seemed like a normal 4 knights became a tactical position, where Philip had a queen for two rooks. Due to the threats made from his devastating attack his opponent hung his rook and lost the game afterwards. With a great and interesting game, he wins this week’s game of the week. You can check out the game here:

In Over 1000 Section 2

We had a clear winner Ashwin with a perfect score of 3/3. In his last game, he played the Ruy Lopez and played natural chess. After developing all his pieces, he got a queenside majority and just started pushing his pawns. His pawns proved to be more overwhelming than his opponent expected, and he won the game swiftly after. Great Game!

In Over 1000 Section 3

We had a tie for first place with Shrinivas and Derek with 2/3 points. In their game against each other, Derek seemed to have some space advantage, but eventually the advantage was nullified, and the game liquidated into a drawn knight endgame. The play from both sides was accurate, and very impressive. Good Job!

In Over 1000 Section 4

We had another clear winner, Eiaa, with 2.5/3 points. In her last round, she was the leader of the section with 2 points while she had 1.5. Playing with black against a gambit line, she initially struggled against her opponent’s activity, but once that activity fizzled out she was up a pawn. After winning a second pawn, she was in the driver’s seat and won a very nice rook ending. Great Game.

In Under 1000 Section 1

We had another clear winner Ankush with a perfect score of 3/3. In his final game, he played the Caro-Kann with black and got a very pleasant position. After a knight maneuver from c6 all the way to f4, the white position slowly started to collapse as black’s minor pieces were very active. After a couple of mistakes, Ankush capitalized and won a lot of material and subsequently the game.


In Under 1000 Section 2

We had a clear winner, Varun, with another perfect score of 3/3. In his last game, he played very positionally. He controlled all the open files, he brought his knights to outposts, and had good pawn structure. With so many strategic advantages, he eventually won a pawn. After winning a pawn he was able to convert a rook ending very smoothly. Great Game.

In Under 1000 Section 3

We had 4 winners, Juno, Vihan, Aryan, and Sarthi all with 2/3 points.  Every winner played once against each other, and all the games were great. However, one of the more interesting games was Juno vs Aryan. In that game, it was a wild King’s Indian Attack. Juno won a piece very swiftly, and was aiming to win more material, but fell victim to a mate attack. A very interesting and exciting game. Great Games Overall to all our winners.

In Under 1000 Section 4

We had 3 winners all with 2/3 points. Our winners were Aardash, Ethan, and Anderson. In Ethan vs Anderson, Ethan found many tactical resources out of Evan`s Gambit and won very beautifully. In Aadarsh vs Anderson, Aadarsh found a nice tactic early in the game that led to forced loss of material. It was an easy conversion after that. Finally, in Ethan vs Anderson, Anderson lost a pawn very early in the game. However, he had secured an open file, while his opponent’s pieces were too passive. Anderson punished his opponent for being passive and broke through and won material. 

In Under 1000 Section 5

Wrapping it up we had another clear winner, Christopher, in a 6-person section with a perfect score of 3/3. HIs last game was wild with many tricks and turns. After playing normal moves, Christopher blundered mate in 2. Luckily his opponent did not see it and he was able to play a normal game after. He had two bishops, and the advantage of two bishops slowly started to show throughout the game resulting in a win for Christopher. Great Game. 

In Under 1000 Section 6

We had a clear winner Yiming with a score of 3/3 points. In her last round she lost a piece very early on in the game, but she continued to fight. After maneuvering her remaining pieces to the kingside, her opponent blundered, and she checkmated. Great Game. 


We like to thank all the players and we hope to see you again.

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