Sunday August 22Nd Reports

Booster Section Report

The Booster section today had 12 players out of the 14 that signed up for the tournament. We kindly request that entrants set reminders so that they do not miss the tournament, as it is really unfair to cause a disruption to those who do show up. Meanwhile, the highlight of today was undoubtedly when two players went head to head for about twelve minutes. This match was between James Paulter (white) and Shrey Shah (black) with all eyes on their match. Despite the game being quite even, James made an excellent mating play after a series of checks to secure victory:

43. Qf5+ g6 44. Qf7+ Kh6 45. Qf4+ Kg7 46. Rf7+ Kg8 47. Rf8+ Kg7 48. Qf6+ Kh6 49. Rh8#

Congratulations to Liam Shah, Nikolas Rein, and David Barbiero for achieving 3 points for a three way tie for second place today! Bravo to Aviva Bloom for valiantly winning every single match today and achieving First Place in this section. We hope to see Liam, Nikolas, David, and Aviva in the Steppingstone 5 section of the next tournament. The next tournament is in two weeks we hope to see everyone again!

Steppingstone 5 Report

On August 22nd, we had another instillation of the Progressive Tournaments. This week in Stepping Stone 5 we had 10 players and 3 norms made. Everyone played very good games, and luckily everyone got to play as we had an even number. Please, if you sign up remember to show up because otherwise people do not get to play. 

Now into the games. Our winner, with a perfect score of 4/4, Rishi had some very interesting games. The first game I will be analyzing is the last game that ensured winning the tournament. In a normal opening, Rishi had more space, but nothing substantial. From there Rishi played simple simple chess and eventually converted a space advantage into a winning pawn ending. The pawn ending was played very well, with no slip-ups. Great Ending and Well deserved full point. Our other three 1st norm achievers were Dylan, Kunj and Vishal. All have to make the norm one more time (in the next event) and pass the test before category 5 title is awarded. Dylan actually played Vishal, and won a very nice game. After a normal opening, Dylan made sure to get his rooks on open lines and dominate the game with his rooks. After bringing the rook to the 7th rank, many of Vishal’s pawns dropped and he lost. However, Vishal did not give up and won his last game. Vishal punished his opponent for failing to develop his pieces, and with the coordination of a powerful knight and a rook on the open file, Vishal won very swiftly. Amazing Fighting Spirit, and congratulations to all our norm achievers. 

Steppingstone 4 Report

With only six particapants once again we had to limit number of rounds to three. Congratulations to Arnav Jain who won the tournament with a perfect 3 points and achieved 1st norm towards category 4 title!

TD NOTE  *** Thank you all for playing! The next event will be September 19. If you have any questions about where or what to register for, please email us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks***


Visitors: 52