Sunday September 19Th Reports

Booster Section Report

The Booster section was filled with faces old and new. A great highlight of the tournament was when Abhirv was able to find a mate in 2 in the endgame against Kevin (the game was very close at this point) Kevin Yao (white) vs. Abhirv Jatar (black): 30.… Bc5 31. Re7 Rg1#

And now to our leaderboard: Congratulations to Dylan Williams (4th), Greyson Wallace (3rd),  (2nd), and finally Nihas Kommineni for achieving a near perfect 3.5/4 points and taking the First Place position this past Sunday! All four of you are now eligible to participate in the next section, Steppingstone 5. The next tournament will be two weeks from this past Sunday. We hope to see everyone there again!

Steppingstone 5 Report

On September 19th, we welcomed players for another edition of the Progressive Tournaments. This week in Stepping Stone 5, we had 4 norm achievers. Two of them, Anna and Daniel Lee, made their first norm, while Kunj and Andrew made their final norm. Kunj and Andrew now only need to take the test and pass to play in Stepping Stone 4. We had a very successful tournament but we urge you to please remember to show up, if you sign up. Not being there and not letting us know about it, affects the whole tournament, and it would be very unfortunate for some kids not to have a game. 

Now, reviewing the games: In Kunj's last game to secure the norm he played a very calm game. Although it might seem counter-intuitive to play calmly when wanting to win, Kunj showed how sound moves eventually lead to large advantages. After a normal opening, Kunj just played natural moves and eventually outplayed his opponent. By forcing positional weaknesses, Kunj won many pawns and eventually the game. Great Job! In Andrew's 3rd game he showed why reviewing tactics is important. In very typical fashion, he noticed the tactical weaknesses and won a piece very quickly and subsequently won the game. 

We hope to see you again for another Progressive Tournament

Steppingstone 4 Report

With only fourparticapants once again we had to limit number of rounds to three. Congratulations to Senthilkumar, Siddharth who won the tournament with a perfect 3 points and achieved 1st norm towards category 4 title!

TD NOTE  *** Thank you all for playing! The next event will be October 3. If you have any questions about where or what to register for, please email us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks***

Visitors: 73