2021 Glen Rock October 9Th

Ethan Modi

ICA In-Person Tournament / Glen Rock / Saturday Oct 9th


What a thrilling day we had this past Saturday at our Glen Rock campus! As our ICA Family knows, we hosted our first in-person tournament in over a year and a half on National Chess Day, October 9th, with over 50 competitors. 


As a player, it was great to be back at Glen Rock and to see everyone we have been connecting with online.  Just being back in the room with my fellow competitors made me reminisce about all the great games I‘ve played there. However, as a director, I must admit, it was somewhat stressful! But seeing all the new and old faces, from beginner to advanced, ready to play at ICA in person after such a long time was amazing.

Personally, I was very happy with my result of a score of 2.5/3 and, I must admit, I had some very nice wins.

In my second game I played White against Lev Zilbermintz, an opponent who is always a threat and who played a very nice game.

The game started off with 1. d4 e5?

Lev has never been known to play normal openings, so in actuality, I should not have been that surprised.


After some normal moves we reached this critical position.

after Lev played ... f5 (Instead of f5 it probably would have been better for black to play Nc4-d6 or Be6I decided to give up the bishop pair, since I thought the knight would be a better piece after potential ideas like g5.

A couple moves later, after we traded queens, we reached this position.



With no queens on the board, there is no attack, and his bishop is simply worse than mine. I went on to win a couple of Pawns and was pleased with a very nice game.

This tournament was a great experience. Being back and competitive was both inspiring and therapeutic. I strongly recommend coming to Glen Rock, whether you're a beginner or a 2000+ player! Just getting opportunities to play over the board Chess is more difficult now than ever and there is no better time to test your skill! The next in-person tournament is THIS SATURDAY, October 16th, and we hope to see you there!


And just in case you wondered what you are missing…here are some of our Participants' and Parents' reactions!


-Thank you for running a well-organized chess tournament.  My son enjoyed it a lot. 


-My daughter had a good time playing the Saturday quads yesterday after a 1+ year break. Thanks for this great event.


-Thank you for hosting the tournament…My kids enjoyed the experience. 


-Thank you for organizing the in-person tournaments, my daughter loved it.


-Thanks a lot for resuming the tournaments! My son enjoyed it (with the exception of the result!) But he will be back next week!


-Alan did a fantastic job both managing the kids and running the tournament very efficiently, it was very impressive!


We hope to see EVEN MORE Players in a few days! REGISTER NOW!



Visitors: 75