2021 October 17Th Report

Booster Section Report

On October 17th the Booster section had both old and new faces. We welcome our new players with open arms! A highlight of the day would be in the final round on Board 6.

Kiaan Wadhwa (black) took advantage of his opponent's uncastled king with 1…Qd2#, ignoring the threat made by his opponent, Isaiah Kwon (white).

Congratulations to Demir, Arsyad, Owen and Milan for all qualifying to play in Section 5 next time. We hope to see the four of you in our next tournament on Sunday, November 7th!

Steppingstone 5 Report

There were 10th participants in Steppnigston 5 section

Congratulations to Jaydon Stinson on scoring 3 points and making 2nd norm category 5th title, and  to Greyson Wallace on scoring 3 points and making 1st category 5th norm . Special congratulations to Christopher Corcoran for scoring perfect 4 points and making 2nd norm for category 5th title.

Both Christopher and Jaydon must play in Stepping Stone 4 section at next event. 

TD NOTE  *** Thank you all for playing! The next event will be on Sunday, November 7th! If you have any questions about where or what to register for, please email us at chessdirector@icanj.net and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks***

Visitors: 95