Booster Section Report November 7Th

Booster Section Report

In the Booster section on Sunday 11/7, we had a field of 14 players.

And in the winner's circle: Congratulations to Kate Stripunsky and Joshua Buitenhuis, and especially Ivan Matetckii for getting first place with a perfect score of 4/4!! All 3 of them are eligible to participate in Steppingstone 5 next tournament. We hope to see all of our participants return next time.

Booster Section Report

Steppingstone 5 Report

On Sunday, November 7th, section 5 had a field of 14 players. A nice highlight from the tournament was a mate in 2 made by Arvind Venkatesh in round 4:


25.Ne5+ Kf8 26.Qf7#. It must be noted that Ne5+ was a discovered check, the section tournament director's favorite type of move ????

Results: No single player had a perfect score in this section! The best finishers all with 3 points were: Arvind, Greyson, Liam, and Raghav, who all earned their 1st norm. Special congratulations to Anna who earned her 2nd norm and will be awarded the category 5 title after passing the test!


Steppingstone 4 Report

With only six particapants once again we had to limit number of rounds to three. Congratulations to Christopher Corcoran who won the tournament with a perfect 3 points and achieved 1st norm towards category 4 title!

TD NOTE  *** Thank you all for playing! The next event will be on December 19 If you have any questions about where or what to register for, please email us at and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks***

Visitors: 83