February 5, 2022, Glen Rock Quads Report

February 5, 2022, Glen Rock Quads Report (by TD Alan Salnikov)


For this tournament we had our largest post-pandemic turnout with 42 competitors!  Our competitors were split into 10 sections, with 4 of them played at game 45. 

From the game 30 sections, the player that I was most impressed with is Maanas Chinni, who convincingly won all three of his games in Section 6 against difficult opposition. An honorable mention goes to Adrian Zislis who, in his first ever tournament, won the section with two wins and a draw, and Maxim Lokhov, who showed endgame proficiency to win all three of his games.

From the game 45 sections, I was most impressed with Luke Anatol, who won all 3 of his games in the top section. In his final game, he sacrificed a pawn that led to a devastating double attack. 

Congratulations to all winners! You can see rating report by clicking here


February 5, 2022, Glen Rock Quads Report (by TD Alan Salnikov)

Visitors: 56