2022 Booster Section Report February 6Th

Booster Section Report

We had a big booster section this month with 20 participants. Rishi and Derin were co-winners with a perfect 4/4 points each. They both had mostly dominant performances, but each needed to make a comeback in one game to maintain their flawless records. Elizabeth, Leah, Damian, and Nikhil M. also qualified for promotion to Stepping Stone 5 by getting to three points. The best game of the tournament in this section was the round two contest between Leah and Jithin. The game started out even. Leah won a piece, but Jithin won it back quickly. Leah got back the advantage with a royal fork, but Jithin equalized by picking up some pawns and a piece with his queen. Finally, Jithin managed to corner the White king, win the queen, and checkmate. The game was a great fight that lasted 52 moves

icanj.net Booster Section Report

Steppingstone 5 Report

Daniel won the tornament with a perfect 4 points score. Ishan was second with 3.5 points, and Avyay got 3rd place with 3 points. All three made category 5 norm: Daniel and Avyay made 2nd norm, and should take test to get Category 5 title. Ishan made his 1st


Congrats to all players, and we thank you for coming. We hope to see you next time. 

Steppingstone 4 Report

Once again just 4 participants who faught very hard, but nobody was able to get the category 4 norm this time. Aviana and Leon tied for 1st place with two points each.

TD NOTE  *** Thank you all for playing! The next event will be on March 6. If you have any questions about where or what to register for, please email us at chessdirector@icanj.net and we`ll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks***

Visitors: 80