2022 ICA Progressive April 10Th Report

Booster Section Report

Today was bound to be a good day for the Booster section. With all fourteen players showing up ready to play, this section was a full house, leaving nobody with a "bye" at any point. In the winner`s circle we had a three way tie between Adnan Hasil, Noah Lieberman, and Ronan Burgos, all of whom scored 3 points of 4 total possible. BIG congratulations to Lenin Vinod for achieving a perfect score of 4/4!! All of these players who scored 3+ points are elligible to compete in steppingstone 5 in next month`s tournament. A highlight of the tournament that Coach Jesse saw was made by Ronan Burgos with the black pieces in the final round. After blundering his queen by allowing 9. Bxe5+ (bishop takes Queen on e5 with check on move 9), Ronan did not give up and kept his head held high. Ronan later struck back with a clever pin tactic after white played 29.) Ne6 (white forked Ronan`s two rooks) Ronan played responded with 29.) Rf-e8, pinning his opponent`s knight with not only a Queen on the same line, but also a back rank checkmating square. White`s knight ate his last supper on the next turn: 30.) Nxd8, capturing one of black`s rooks and allowing Ronan to play Rxe1# (rook takes queen on e1, checkmate). 

Steppingstone 5 Report
 Nikil and Luka tied for 1st place with 3.5 points each. Both made their 1st category 5 norm – Congratulations!

 Steppingstone 4 Report

Congratulations to Saanvi who won all three games and made her 1st category 4 norm!


TD NOTE  *** Thank you all for playing! The next event will be on May 8

If you have any questions about where or what to register for,

please email us at chessdirector@icanj.net and we`ll get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks***


Visitors: 125