June 4, 2022, Glen Rock Quads (by TD Alan Salnikov)

June 4, 2022, Glen Rock Quads (by TD Alan Salnikov)

Today we had an excellent tournament, with half of the participants rated over 1000! The participants were split into nine sections, with four being played at Game 45.

Today’s player of the tournament is Agranya Kancharlapalli who, despite starting the day rated 300 points below the competition, tied for first place with Andrew Goldfarb in Section 4! In a wild game in which both queens were trapped in separate sequences, Agranya managed to get a three-pawn advantage and fork his opponent’s king and rook.

An honorable mention goes to Ethan Modi, who tied for first place in a very competitive Section 1 with Oleg Shevelenko! In this section, all four participants had ratings of over 2000! In the first game, Ethan won a pawn in the opening, and was able to seamlessly convert it to a win in the endgame.

Another honorable mention goes to Bryan Andrei, who won Section 2! In one of his games, Bryan forked his opponent’s rook, bishop and knight, and won a knight as a result. In that same game, Bryan moved his bishop to create a discovered attack, in which his queen checkmated the black king.

Congratulations to all winners! You can see rating reports by clicking on Quads

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