2022 June 11th, 2022, Glen Rock Quads (by TD Alan Salnikov)

June 11, 2022, Glen Rock Quads Report (by TD Alan Salnikov)

Today we had another excellent turnout, in which 45 participants were split into 11 sections, with 4 of sections being played at Game 45.

Today’s player of the tournament is Mark Kogan, who took first place in Section 3! In one of his games, Mark trapped his opponent’s knight with his pawn, capitalizing on an opponent’s previous mistake.

An honorable mention goes to Benjamin Nunez, who won Section 6 with 2.5 points. In one of his games, Ben moved his rook onto the 8th rank to set up a checkmate. The only way this outcome could be prevented was if the opponent gave up the queen. After that sequence, Ben was able to comfortably win the match.

Another honorable mention goes to Maxim Lokhov, who won all three games in Section 9! In one of his games, despite being down a rook, Maxim was able to promote TWO pawns to queens to eventually win the game.

Congratulations to all winners! You can see rating reports by clicking on Quads

Visitors: 72