June 18, 2022, Glen Rock Quads, And ICA Open Reports (by TD Alan Salnikov)

June 18, 2022, Glen Rock Quads, and ICA Open Reports

Today, the ICA ran two tournaments, with both the ICA Open and ICA Quads running simultaneously. In the quads, we had 24 participants split into 6 sections, while we had 16 competitors in the open.

In the quads, the player of the tournament is David Zhang, who won all three games in Section 1 despite being the lowest rated in the section by a considerable distance! In his final match, David was able to simultaneously threaten his king and knight with his rook, queen, and knight. He then utilized the f-pawn pin to capture the g-pawn and threaten another checkmate, which he was able to immediately achieve.

An honorable mention goes to Ebenezer Zhang, who won all three games in Section 5! In the final match, Ebenezer was down two rooks for two bishops. Despite that, he kept his composure and was able to trade off the exchange, and eventually promote a passed pawn.

Congratulations to Roman Malyshev, Yefim Treger, and Avery Hood for taking first place in the ICA Open, with each player accumulating 2.5 points over 3 games!

Congratulations to all winners! You can see rating reports by clicking on Open or Quads.

All results can be found at Open or Quads

Don`t forget to sign up for next week`s quads ahead of time!! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!

The next ICA Open will be July 16. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!

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