2022 ICA Super Saturday Quads July 16Th

ICA Super Saturday Quads – July 18 (By Chief TD Alessandro De Marchi-Blumstein)

This week marked our first ICA open of the summer, and, at 19 players, the biggest one yet. We also had a healthy showing for quads with 32 participants.

The open section, which included three masters, was a tough section. All three masters fell short of first place, and no one managed a perfect score. Fred Wilson, Roman Rychkov, Alexander Wang, and Brain Pang all tied for first and split the prizes for first, second, third, and top under 2200. Fred was also the top senior, beating out Yefim by half a point. Alex was the best player under 13 by a point and a half over his competition. Stephen Hrop was the best sub-expert player with a solid 2/3, and Vedanta and Saharsh both pulled off an upset win and an upset draw to tie for best under 1800 with an even score.

The top quads section was won by Jeremy, who finished a point ahead of the field with 2.5/3.

Leon edged out Surya by half a point in section two. He earned a point more than his father Oleg, who competed in the (much higher rated) open section.

In section three, Harlan, in one of his first few tournaments, swept his high-three-digit opponents. We are excited to see how high he will climb before losing a game!

The top honors in section four were split by Vincent and Anna, who both earned two points in a close section where no one left without a win.

Caroline confidently won section five with 2.5/3 one point ahead of Kate, who was the only person she didn’t defeat.

Daniel dominated section six with a perfect score despite being rated 150 points below the next highest competitor.

Section seven was a contentious section wherein everyone managed at least one point. Dhruva and Abhiram tied for first with two points each.

Finally, section eight, which was the first official tournament for three of its participants, was won by Luke. He got 2.5/3 to beat out relative veteran Shahar by half a point.

Check out the rating report here.

Thanks for joining us this week, and thanks especially to all of the strong players who came out for the open section. We hope to see all of you and more next time! If you are interested in improving your chess so you can get up to their level, make sure to check out our in-person camps in Glen Rock and Teaneck or our online camp. We have students from 6-16 and total beginner to expert and flexible scheduling in order to offer options to all sorts of students. For more information, check out our website.

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