2022 ICA Super Saturday Quads August 13Th

August 13 ICA Open and Quads Report


For this week’s Super Saturday, we had 30 participants in the weekly Quads and 18 participants for the monthly ICA Open. The participants of the Quads were split into seven sections, with Section 1 being played in a Swiss format.

My player of the tournament is Aiden Kennedy, who finished undefeated in his first ever Open Section! In his first game, by trading center pawns in the middle game, Aiden got a passed pawn on the f-file. With help from the g-pawn, Aiden advanced his f-pawn to the seventh rank, forcing his opponent to sacrifice his rook and eventually resign!

An honorable mention goes to Ely Aminetzah, who won Section 2 despite being the lowest rated! In his second game, by trading knights, Ely was able to remove the defender of his opponent’s bishop. After capturing the bishop, Eli was able to use his material advantage to win the game.

Another honorable mention goes to Chideha Osondu, who won Section 3! After winning her first two games, Chideha was losing her third game by a rook and a bishop! However, by perpetually checking her opponent, she was able to salvage a draw, and win the section as a result! Finally, Coach Eugene's award for best performance at the ICA Open goes to Sujia Diao for her win against Lev Zilbermintz! After a drawish opening, the players traded queens, leaving Lev with a backwards d-pawn which Sujia easily captured. She was then able to attack and capture Lev’s a-pawn. Sujia to play the endgame up two pawns, which she was easily able to win!

Congratulations to all winners! You can see rating reports by clicking on Open or Quads.

All results can be found at Open or Quads

Don't forget to sign up for next week's quads ahead of time!! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!

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